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Moonlight Forest
Nocturnal Life


Evening ChorusDusk ChorusFirst HowlOh DeerMidnight BoarsMidnight HowlsForest Sleeps Surprise!

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Full Moon Night

The Forest of Ardennes is a region of extensive woods in Belgium, about one hour drive from home. This soundscape relates to the recordings made deep in the forest during a full moon night. It starts with the dawn chorus and ends when the forest falls alseep. Each slider plays a specific hour, from 6PM till 3AM. To recreate the most realistic soundscape, purists are recommended to play sliders that are next to each other, and to play them quietly.

Special thanks to Gerard Jadoul who helped me organizing the recording session

Published by Stéphane on September 9th, 2019

User Stories

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  I love these sounds they make me calm.

  Pair this with 'Rain on a Tent' for some indoor camping!

  I absolutely love the howls! I don't know why, but they are strangely enchanting and even comforting! Love this so much. Thank Dr. Pigeon!

  Wow. Just, wow; this is such a peaceful and relaxing (and underrated!) generator. I never thought I could be so enchanted...

  The stereo effect on this generator is amazing; even though I'm in the comfort of my own bedroom, it feels as if the wildlife is really all around me.

  Listen to it with Nocturnion! Absolutely galactic.

  While listening to the full moon forest, I was wondering what was trampling in the leaves. I recognise the calls of tawney owls (both females and males), I hear the wind, but also other sounds in the leaves that are covering the ground. Are you talking about the Ardennes in Belgium? As I'm blind, I always wonder how several places would sound at night.

  Wow, this is truly beautiful. Stunning to listen to while working!

  I love it! Thank you!

  Between the roaming boars and rustling of trees, step into the world of Princess Mononoke and breathe. This is one of the few night-sounds that is more soothing than ominous. It's peacefully magical to listen to at the office and gives me the exact level of focus I need after lunch. (Does anyone else hear kodama in the background?)

  This + Calm Lake is ultra relaxing. It makes me feel like I'm sitting by a dark lake at night. The loons almost seem to be responding to the howls.