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Medieval Village
Interactive RPG Soundscape Generator


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Feudal Power

Villages scattered the medieval landscape as they played a vital role in the agrarian economy, feeding the inhabitants of an entire kingdom. These villages grew around rivers, providing water to the community, and hydraulic power to watermills. Grinding grain into flour - the most valuable processed food back then - was a profitable business for feudal lords who alone had the resources to build these mills. The power developed by water also served their own power, enforcing mandatory milling and collecting taxes around their mills.

From time to time, village people came to the town's market to trade. This soundscape recreates both the pastoral ambience of a small village, and the busy atmosphere of a bigger town.

Published by Stéphane on January 14th, 2019

User Stories

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  I played this alongside with Imaginary Reality, and it was an amazing experience. It felt like walking around a town that is recovering from a raid attack. The sound from Imaginary Reality adds a sense of suspense and anxiety, a sense of grim. I imagine the faces of the people in the town, filled with anguish but with a little glimmer of hope in their eyes, wishing for recovery and flourish.

  A good background for getting into the writing zone.

  Just really a perfect background noise for writing my dissertation! Thank you for this site.

  POV: It's 3 AM, and things are starting to wake up in the village.

  Deep in the heart of the fog, across the great bridge, lies the city of Yharnam. Infamous only for its miraculous phlebotomy, foreigners visit from all corners of the world seeking blood treatment for incurable diseases, yet none have ever returned alive. This metropolis of horror, ostensibly timeless and eternally venerated, hides an unfathomable, maddening secret.

  This sound brings me back to my previous life. I recall being a beautiful lady with immense fields of knowledge in various sectors of astrology. Unfortunately, I was executed under the guise of being a witch, and in my afterlife, I could see my head splatter to the floor in front of a toddler.

  I am feeling like a medieval backpack on me and I am walking on medieval streets, my hood's on, just looking straight ahead. The bells are ringing periodically, there is a strange feeling, kind of awareness of things that have passed, me remembering it hardly.

  The phrase "you can't fight fire with fire" is obviously not true of distractions. This soundscape is so distracting that it pushes the distractions of my surroundings out of my head, leaving silence in its place. It's really weird, honestly, but as long as my homework keeps disappearing this quickly, I'm down for it.

  I dunno how you recorded this but it's genius. Seriously, with slider animations turned on my device has basically just become a time machine... Looking forward to my next time traveling adventure with myNoise!

  This makes homework so much easier... Now I'm totally in the mood for history homework. Thanks myNoise!

  One word: Awesome!

  I think this would be a great Ren Faire, the music, the people, everything. I like this very much, maybe a bit too much.

  I'm a fair maiden completing her homework to commit to pursuing her passions in fashion and design. Inspiring, calming, Lord of the Rings vibes.

  Today I moved my laptop to the kitchen, between me and the window as I was cooking. I didn't expect the sound and genuinely thought that someone was riding a horse outside. The ambience is astonishingly realistic.

  Deeeeeeep bow. I am so grateful for this! I was using your iOS app for some time and somehow forgot about it. Today I was adding widgets to my MacBook desktop and found a widget for myNoise! What bliss to listen to my favorite soundscapes through bigger speakers with more of a surround sound effect! This is one of my most favorite.

  I love how I just hear the horse and the carriages sound like they're actually behind me and like I'm at the blacksmith.

  I love to mix this with a natural setting on another window to create the ambience of very specific places in my fantasy novel. It is the perfect backdrop for what I'm visualizing. If the characters are suddenly quiet during a dialogue, I know what they're hearing in the back and will add that to the actual narration for added realism.

  Perfect for writing my village scene in the fantasy story I'm working on!

  Makes for excellent background sounds for a medieval themed board game (Mage Knight, in this case).

  As you sit on a grassy field by the trade market you can't but wonder what else the world has to offer.

  This soundscape works well as background sound for audio books, especially my Bible reading time. I use an app the reads aloud using text-to-speech, and this soundscape helps the reading be more atmospheric, especially for narrative readings. It almost feels like I'm right there, at the place and time the narrative would have taken place (eg ancient Jerusalm etc).

  I am sitting by the water and can hear the market in the distance.

  I like it a lot, I used it for DnD with friends as well as studying my exams.

  This particular setting reminds me of Fulliautomatix, a blacksmith character from Asterisk comics.

  I love this soundboard when I have this one and the Japanese Zen Garden playing at the same time! When I put them at just the right setting, it makes me feel like I'm just stepping away from the village and going into the forest. Its very peaceful and would defiantly recommend! •ᴗ•

  Writing a marketplace scene!

  Definitely going to use this for inspiration when writing!

  The sun shone over the small medieval town. It was a perfect summer's day and bells were ringing, bring a deep sense of place and peace. Villagers went about their daily chores, and the market brought a happy sense of community. Dogs barked, people talked. Nearby, yellow flowers adorned the tapestry-like rolling hills of the countryside.

  It has been a year since you started your quest. You met many new people, beasts, and friends along the way. But nothing of that compares to the excitement of your hometown. As you enter the town, the townsfolk and neighbors flock to you. Your adventure is over.

  Subtle, rhythmic sound.

  A truly perfect soundscape - I serious enjoy listening to this when I'm working, writing or just wanting to calm down. I love history and especially this era, and so this is just perfect, as I feel like you've taken me back in time. I switch on slider movement to really get the feel of the constantly-changing village, and then do what I want to do.. It keeps my mind from boredom and helps me calm!

  The White Wolf rode his horse slowly into the village. The peasants started to whisper each other when they saw him but he didn't care. He jumped down from horse's back and slowly walked through the inn's door.

  This little inn at the edge of the forest is a safe haven for travellers, whether merchants or bandits.

  Combine this with 'The Pilgrim' with the humming slider on max, and it will sound like you're a blacksmith's bored apprentice, lost in your thoughts...

  Helped me overcome writers block! Thank you!!

  I love this! Good bye ADHD, hello productivity!

  So wonderful... This is the PERFECT background ambience for my story writing! With the right settings I'm felling as if I'm standing in a small, well know gallic village, watching the everyday live. With this, my fanfictions practically write themselves. :-D

  This is my go-to for background noise when studying. I listen to it with some of my favourite Witcher videogame tracks and it's incredibly immersive, absolutely incredible balance. I've bought all the sound sets on mobile, as well. Thank you!

  I love all voices. Thank you for your site. When I get some more money I will donate to you. This site has to live much longer!!!!

  Sounds like a Typical Village Festival. Really like it.

  I use this as the background to my other background noise - it's perfect with the Japanese Garden. Layers of sound producing a relaxing space, sat in my garden while the world turns around me.

  I just recently saw a video about Caravaggio's art and his technique, chiaroscuro. This generator came to mind as I saw his art. I paired this generator with medieval music and I got transported to Caravaggio's lifetime :] Thank you Stephane.

  A great escape in stressful times.

  So glad I found this site on tumblr! I haven't been able to go to a Ren Fair in a long time because of restrictions and my own safety concerns, so this helped me generate some really vivid daydreams :D

  Absolutely awesome! So glad I found this site on tumblr, great for writing and I may also use this for campaigns and have recommended to my other DM friends. This is a brilliant resource and bravo to the person/people making it! Thank you for your efforts!!

  I used to live in a medieval village with a church and band that played every Saturday. Sounds so like this!! Riding round the village near markets and up by the church.

  It was intriguing to see how nostalgic the noises made you feel and how it places you within your imagination. I loved how I was able to mess with the noises and that is something I’ve never done before so it was a unique experience. -t.e

  Merci mon amis! Canada just discovered this delightful sound and is making it number 1 on its provincial playlist.

  It really helps me to focus and calm down when I'm stressed at work while working under pressure. Much more effective than listening to music. Absolutely love it!

  This takes me back to when I was growing up showing our horses and ponies at the local summer fairs - the market, the sounds of the livestock and the blacksmith. LOVE!

  I live in Brugge, a beautiful little medieval village in Belgium, and this is EXACTLY how it sounds when I open my window. Amazing work! Well done, by Belgians.

  Love. This is very nice to hear. I have read Harry Potter and I went to read the Ickabog, this noise helps me imagine what it would be like in the book.

  Simply amazing!

  We're teaching remotely and in person this year. The silence in my room is deafening sometimes, and music gets repetitive. Thank you for making a playlist of soothing, casual noises that tangibly lowers the awkward tension in my classroom. Also goes along great with my Chaucer/Shakespeare unit. :)

  This is the most relaxing thing I’ve found in a while.

  This soundscape is just what I wanted to go along with my Minecraft playlist. It is a really great combination of sounds for brainstorming and drafting!

  With some medieval music in the background, I can transport myself to a calm town centre and experience some true beauty. Brings a tear to my eye.

  It's great for a variety of different situations in a DND game. Or just for general ambience. An example is the preset I picked. You're in the blacksmith's bunker during war, and he's making a weapon so you can go out there and serve in the great war of haelstrom.

  I love setting the animation control and taking a walk with this soundscape on my phone. I feel like I'm walking through 16th century Europe.

  Life on the farm is very noisy!

  Combined with Port Town and rain on a tent makes for a sleepy Medieval Port Town. Business is slow in the winter here. You munch on an apple and sigh, waiting for someone to buy bread at your stall. The market square is nearly deserted, except for a couple of old ladies haggling and grumbling about money in the next shop over. Life is good.

  Suddenly I'm lying in a sunny spot on the grass at the Renaissance faire!

  This is the perfect background sounds for the novel I'm writing. Thank you so much.

  I'm travelling though this small village to pick up some quests before I head off to my next dungeon. I visited the trader and bought a new sword, which should hopefully help me a little.

  I'm in the SCA and was feeling down because I can't go to Pennsic this year. Some slight adjustments to "Medieval Village" and it really does feel like I'm home again.

  I have missed some of my favourite places to be while stuck at home. Having the market noises mixed with the Tibetan chanting CDs ripped to YouTube and I can be back in Boudhanath, Kathmandu in front of the Gompha with the crowds milling around me.

  This noise is incredibly helpful immersion for my DnD players! I use it for the town of Fiadh, and they´ve said that it feels much more three-dimensional when using this sound!

  This soundscape just calms me down and helps me get into the zone like nothing else... it's so immersive, well done!!

  In the insanity of Lockdown, I sit here in the most beautiful valley in the heart of Wales with three pages of noise machines opened. I am surrounded by the natural sounds of wildlife here at home enhanced with a distant mediaeval village bell, Gregorian choir and the soft drone of Harmonic throat singing from Himalaya - all finely balanced to perfection.

  I listen to this when writing in a village setting with a big danger. With the fanfare in the front, the bells in the center, and everything else in the back, I can write dramatic or urgent village scenes with ease. It puts me in a gentle focus and blocks out everything but the feel of the story.

  I'm sitting by the window on the second floor at an inn on the outskirt of the town center. It's just approaching noon. The market is busy with merchants and traffic. The town is prosperous. It's nice to see people prospering. It means my work is not wasted. There's a group of travelling entertainers performing some distance away from here. I should visit the blacksmith before leaving.

  The watermill sounds similar to waterfall, so watermill + pastoral + market sounds like a village nearby a waterfall and green fields.

  So evocative. I love the birds, makes it feel like there's fresh air there too. Add women hawkers!

  Best one! Very peaceful.

  Church bells do funny things to my head. They put me into the most blissful state, and I wonder if anyone else gets a feeling of dreamy euphoria when listening to these. So you can imagine my delight when I found this sound setting.

  Honestly, listening to a sound combination of "War Times" and quieting down everything while moving blacksmith up feels like you're a blacksmith in the midst of war in your workplace. It's good for blocking noise, and ambience.

  Animating it helps keep me awake at work on bad head and brain fog pain days.

  I like listening to this one when writing! :)

  I love the war fanfare. If you add in "In The Sky", it feels even more dangerous/fantasy and I just love it!

  I'm writing a fantasy book for NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November 2019, and this couldn't have been released at a better time! The breeze and birdsong alone set a quiet and peaceful summer scene. Thank you!

  Putting on "pastoral" and "fire bell" with a touch of "animals" brings me right back to the very small village in Germany my family lives in. It has an old church right in the middle of it and surrounded by farms/pastures. The bell sounds EXACTLY like the one in here and brings such homesickness and warmth.

  This makes me feel like a local farmer just sitting on my porch... watching people and animals go on their way...

  Oh, I'm in love with these fanfare sounds!

  This is the best thing for any DM who's looking for a great background noise to set the stage!

  This really helps me focus!

  The blacksmith clank and the market bustle is great for noise blocking.

  This makes me think of the late medieval, and as I'm a reconstructor (although a few centuries earlier), it really lightens my mood!

  This is what I'll be sleeping to, tonight! I enjoy the sounds of the market, from a distance, with the birds in the foreground.

  Medieval village comes to rescue my study sessions. Since I am a procrastinator, lazy and gets distracted frequently; this saves me really well. Thank you :)

  I mostly like the sound of wood crackling while its burning, but to my surprise the sounds of light horse trotting, blacksmith, and small conversation was so soothing.

  I'm usually more drawn to water sounds. I like the natural feel of this sound and the humanity and bustle a fair distance away is like a peaceful balance of both worlds.

  Beautiful. You’re more of a nature person than a people person, you always have been. Now your mother just gives in whenever you say you’re going to the stream. It’s a bright day outside and although most everyone else is at the market, you linger behind your house, watching. You admire the trees swaying in the light breeze, the crystal clear water bubbling and flowing above the smooth stones.

  For anyone fighting writer's block, or any RPG player in need of an immersing yet not distracting background, this is it! My new favourite!! (Don't overlook the Fanfare slider, it's really amazing!)

  It's really peaceful, entertaining and noise-blocking. I'm used to listen to generated mix of "Japanese" or sea sounds, but this one with something forest (or stream, or riverbank) and the "walk" noise, it's perfect to think of traveling on the road from a village to another. It sounds terrific with The Pilgrim, too.

  I usually listen to Cafe or to the Starship Enterprise, but Medieval Village is my new favourite!

  Not sure where the time went but I spent hours on the Watermill setting. I still have to explore so much more and the possible mixes with custom generators!

  Yes! This generator has rocketed to the top of my faves list. Love the hectic mix of noises that offer long listening time with lots of variety.

  Wow, an instant favourite! It's amazing how many different 'settings' this one generator provides. I'll definitely be using this in future D&D sessions :D

  Fantastic! This one is so much fun and great for noise-covering.

  This is somewhat like the opening screen in Age of Empires II, or a scene from one of Peter Jackson's movie adaptations of Tolkien: a small and pastoral village, but one full of life and colourful strangers passing through, very unlike the quiet and desolate villages of Northern Europe of the modern day.

  So many options in one soundscape! I think I like the fanfare with a bit of everything else sprinkled in between for that ultimate RPG feel.

  First thought: "ooh, the perfect thing for village roleplaying sessions" and then "wait... what if I combine this with now loading" ... And now I am able to focus and get this code at work done (: