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Sea Organ
An Ocean's Lament


The OceanSea MonsterZadar OrganOcean MeditationBamboo Flutes Surprise!

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Listen to the Ocean

The Sea Organ is an architectural sound art object that produces tones from ocean waves, located in Zadar, Croatia. I've often been asked to add the haunting tones of this installation to myNoise. But acquiring the sound without the noise made by tourists visiting the place is a real challenge. Instead I opted for a redesign, from similar sound sources.

While considering how best to recreate an analogous atmosphere, I immediately thought of Félix Blume, a renowned field recordist and sound artist whom I admire. Two of his works came to mind: Rumours from the Sea – composed of hundreds of bamboo flutes – and Suspiros (Sighs) – made using clay ocarinas. They rely on the same technique: wind instruments deployed in the ocean, to be played by the ocean waves. This proved to be excellent material to recreate the sound of the Sea Organ, as attested by the soundscape now playing.

As part of this soundscape, you'll also find a recording by Frank Hell – a long-term fan of this website – that features the original sounds of the Zadar Sea Organ. You can find this original recording behind the teal slider, which Frank sent me as a little audio postcard during his holiday in Croatia.

I am very grateful to Félix, who kindly allowed me to use his wonderful recordings. With the help of his own artistic installations, we are not hearing waves playing tones, but the ocean communicating with us. Have a listen to each slider separately. What is the ocean trying to tell us? Share your thoughts and findings in the comments section.

Published by Stéphane on January 4th, 2023

User Stories

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  I'm very surprised to be saying this, but the sounds of the sea monster are so calming!

  ← The Cave of the Beast

  its eerie, but calming. I know it isnt the point to be scary but.. Yeah. Beautiful sounds otherwise. I’m sure this will go well with a musical generator on here!

  Sounds like a round of applause!

  i live in a NYC apartment building and have tiny elephants as neighbors upstairs. They steal my dreams and make me mad. Every morning, over coffee, I listen to this track and it rebalances me and makes me happy and ready to proceed with my day. Thank you myNoise, you are absolutely fabulous.

  This reminds me of when me and my sister went on a late night walk by the ocean and pairing this with osmosis gives it that ominousness feeling

  I clicked this not realising it was made to mimic the haunting sea organ sound from Zadar, Croatia. We visited once, 10 years ago and it still amazes me. Saving this one for sure. I also have tinnitus so will be trying out the different settings.

  This made me cry. When I went to Zadar ten years ago, I recorded the sea organ and uploaded a YouTube video. I worked with this soundscape on repeat for ages until I lost the original recording with my computer. I can not thank you enough. Also, I was fortunate to go to one of Felix Blume's sound tours of Mexico City a few years back. This is officially my favorite sound in the library.

  Ear tickling.

  This is amazing. I'm sound sensitive and have ADHD. My brain is picky on what actually helps me. Oh, have tinnitus as well. This track? It checks off everything for me! It canceled the tinnitus out, which is stunning as most tracks that are created for tinnitus don't work for me. This soundscape is also relaxing and able to fall into the background of my brain. Love this!

  This one was amazing! I went from being frustrated and angry with my co-workers, to almost falling asleep - in 5 minutes! Success - except I had to switch to a more bouncy audio as sleeping at your desk isn't a great career move. Will keep this one high on the list, the results were incredible.

  I love this generator. It gives fantasy vibes, like you're about to find the big bad monster in a movie.

  Whoa. So I'm preparing to run my first D&D campaign, and the setting is heavily inspired by "Ghosts of Saltmarsh" and other nautical, fantastic content (Odyssey, Bermuda -- whatever you're imagining). Running these settings on the "Full" calibration setting really paint an awesome mental picture of an eerie, underwater dungeon. My players will certainly hear this at some point...!

  Zadar was my favourite town when I visited Croatia few years ago. The sea organ really was a highlight of that trip and the sounds remind me of the tranquility I felt while floating in that ocean by the passage, watching the sunset on a very hot summer day. Good surprise seeing this noise machine here! A new favorite of mine :)

  I went to Zadar last summer, it was my first trip abroad! What a lovely way to re-experience the coastal steps sans-tourist noise!

  It's great beyond the words.

  This is incredible. Pure genius. And the different recordings match and enhance each other perfectly. I'm so proud to have helped with my recording. That is a very unique and creative soundscape. I could go on with "wow" for quite some time.

  This is such a treat! Especially after watching Avatar 2: The Way of Water! [Nitin]

  Oh my god, this is so beautiful and eerie at the same time... It reminds me of sea stories, mermaids, lonely sailors, sea breeze... Its cinematic/visual counterpart could be "The Lighthouse", Robert Eggers' movie. I'm in love <3